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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Celestial School Choices

This is a big choice you have to make once you get to Celestia. In this world, three new schools of spells are introduced. They are as follows:

Sun School: This school focuses mainly on boosting individual spells. They can boost accuracy, (Keen Eyes, Acccurate, Sniper, etc.) boost the spells power, (Monsterous, Strong, Gargantuan, etc.) mutate spells, (Mutate Kraken, Mutate Swarm, Mutate Minotaur, etc.) or, they can boost accuracy and pierce. (Unstoppable and Extraordinary.) There are also spells that can boost other qualities of a spell. Take Sharpened Blade for example. It boosts all blades by ten percent. There are also spells that boost things like health spells and decrease shields.

Star school: This school focuses on boosting your wizard's stats for a limited amount of time. They can boost your attack percant, your crit rate, your resist, and other such things. This is the most common astral school. It boosts many, many things. It is definetly the most balanced school, and a lot of people recommend it. I personally recommend this, but it is my opinion.

Moon School: This school focuses on polymorphing. Polymorphing is where you change into a different creature. It isn't just for show, however, you also inherit their deck. This is the least common school, only because people don't want to bother with transforming after they have already put on blades and traps. This can be a hassle to work with; and it is important that if you do it at all, that you do it while you're vulnerable.

These are the three ceetial schools. You don't have to stay with just one school; I have seen many a people have both sun and star spells. The most important thing is that you chose the school that best fits your battle style. If yu don't do this, you're only hurting yourself.

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