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Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Double-hitting is an awesome thing. For those of you who don't know, double-hitting is when you have say a weakness on. (This could also be like your opponent having a tower shield or some other shield that would normally lessen the amount of damage your attack does) When you double-hit, only the first hit gets lessened by the weakness. Now, you're probably thinking, "yeah, that's cool, how do I do it though?" The answer to that question is that only some cards can. They won't say they can double-hit, but you can always tell right-off which ones do and which ones don't. Take my favorite card for example: You can tell it says it hits once with 50 then again with 755. That first hit is what takes the blow. Another spell that I use a lot that double hits is minotaur. Take a look: It double hits also. Pretty cool right?

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