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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Balance School Advantages

Ok, I'm not a balance student, but I feel like this kind of needs to be said here. Balance isn't the most powerful school in terms of straight up power, and in order to be a good balance student, you need to have good tactics. Whenever you pvp, or do any battle in general, you should always consider having a balance person with you. I say this because they can really help you out. A lot of their spells could be useful for any wizard. Some of the ones I think help out the best are the spells like balance blade, donate power, elemental blade, spirit blade, and other such spells. They also have some relatively good healing spells, like helping hands and availing hands, which can be used on any player. The thing I think is really helpful that a lot of people don't point out is the sly advantages of the hydra and chimera spells. What are these advantages? Ok, well we've all done the familiar "Deck Hunt" in which you discard cards at random trying to get a certain card that you happen to have in your deck that would be super affective on your current opponent. Balance students don't have to do that too much because of hydra and chimera. They each hit with three elements, which means you only have to have about three cards in your hand to have all of the elements at your fingertips. Opponent got an ice shield? No problem, my hydra will still hit with two other elements. Or, I could use chimera to not even have to bother with the shield at all. The one fault to this is they have a elemental and a spiritual shield on, limiting me to balance spells. Oh wait, that's not a problem, my main school is balance! See what I mean? That card combo could come in quite useful, and that's just without all of the other balance spells I've mentioned.

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