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Friday, July 26, 2013


Hey everyone, sorry I haven't posted lately. I will try to be better.

Anyways, what you're here for. Aquila is a new world based on Greek mythology. You know, it's funny because when my friend and I were talking a few months ago, we were discussing ideas for new worlds. He came up with the idea of a Greek-themed world. When I saw the Olympus bundle, it made me wonder. Then when he told me about Aquila, we both laughed.
Aquila is by my opinion, the coolest world ever. If you ever have read the Percy Jackson series you probably know how extensive this world can be. I don't have a lot of info on this world yet, but I do know that this is not a main world. It probably won't affect the main story in any way, and if it does, it will probably be discreet. This world has a lot of potential and I am excited to see it out of the test realm. If they made an expansion to this world like they did for Grizzleheim, it could be really cool.
I'm a little disappointed with the story because, and I don't know if this is just me, but the whole story seems remarkably like Wysteria.

What are your thoughts on this cool new world?

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Celestial School Choices

This is a big choice you have to make once you get to Celestia. In this world, three new schools of spells are introduced. They are as follows:

Sun School: This school focuses mainly on boosting individual spells. They can boost accuracy, (Keen Eyes, Acccurate, Sniper, etc.) boost the spells power, (Monsterous, Strong, Gargantuan, etc.) mutate spells, (Mutate Kraken, Mutate Swarm, Mutate Minotaur, etc.) or, they can boost accuracy and pierce. (Unstoppable and Extraordinary.) There are also spells that can boost other qualities of a spell. Take Sharpened Blade for example. It boosts all blades by ten percent. There are also spells that boost things like health spells and decrease shields.

Star school: This school focuses on boosting your wizard's stats for a limited amount of time. They can boost your attack percant, your crit rate, your resist, and other such things. This is the most common astral school. It boosts many, many things. It is definetly the most balanced school, and a lot of people recommend it. I personally recommend this, but it is my opinion.

Moon School: This school focuses on polymorphing. Polymorphing is where you change into a different creature. It isn't just for show, however, you also inherit their deck. This is the least common school, only because people don't want to bother with transforming after they have already put on blades and traps. This can be a hassle to work with; and it is important that if you do it at all, that you do it while you're vulnerable.

These are the three ceetial schools. You don't have to stay with just one school; I have seen many a people have both sun and star spells. The most important thing is that you chose the school that best fits your battle style. If yu don't do this, you're only hurting yourself.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Best Wizard101 School

***NOTE: You will have to copy and paste the links for these in your web browser.***

This question has been asked a lot, and the answer is still undefined. The best way to chose is to take the test at the beginning honestly. If you, however, have played through this game and researched it a lot, this could be difficult because you might know what answers go to what school like I do. This can make your answer partially biased towards one school. To avoid this, click skip the test. A list of the schools will come up. You can click on each school and see what their traits are. Pick the one that describes you the most, and if it's a tie, ask a friend.

Now, you could also be looking at this article right now because you want to know what the strengths and weaknesses of each school is. If that is the case, allow me to tell you. There are seven schools: fire, ice, storm, balance, life, myth, and death. The storm school has the strongest straight out attacks, but they lack very much in accuracy. Fire is the second strongest school, but is also lacking in accuracy, (not as much as storm) and does damage over time spells. Ice is supposedly the weakest in terms of attacks, (click this link for why they are getting overpowered: )
however, they are the strongest in terms of defense. Balance is a school with relativly good everything and is very, well, balanced. Life is rather lacking in terms of attack strength but they focus a lot on healing and are always greatly appreciated. Death is a school that has a fair amount of attack strength and has a special ability where you get health equal to half of the attack strength. (Only on some cards.) My personal favorite, myth, has the third highest attack strength and has minions and double-hits. (For more on double-hitting, click here: )

I really hoped this helped some people!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Sword of Kings!

Everyone knows about this legendary wand from Avalon, getting it is almost becoming a right of passage. However, not all swords are created equal. Each school has its own version of the sword of kings. Here are the stats on them: Wow, okay, so a lot of blank spots. Those are things that DON'T EXIST. One major thing I would like to point out is that the life wand has no. Critical. Block. o.O That's a little strange Kingsisle. They are all relatively close in terms of stats for the most part. Not really. Oh and the fire is supposed to be 32 block rating, not 35. Moving on. It is an overall good wand, and loads of people use it. They even use it for stitching when they manage to find a better wand. I really like this wand, and I think it's cool how it's a part of Avalon's story, yet still usable as a wand, which I don't think Kingsisle has done before.

Best Team

Ok, so a question I hear a lot on other sites is what schools are best to have on your side during a battle? Everyone has different battle styles, so it can vary. For me, I would like to have an ice, balance, and a power ouse like fire or storm on my side. Here are my explanations for each: For ice, my reason is the fact that they have extremely good defenses, making them a tank. They also are getting over-powered (which I have mentioned before) so their spells have a bit of a bite too. They also have tower shield, which ANY SERIOUS WIZARD NEEDS AT LEAST ONE. My reason for balance is that they have so many good boost spells (which I have also mentioned before) that can really help you out in a tight spot. For storm/fire, it's kind of obvious because I want a good power house that can take out enemies quickly and efficiently. Now, when you yourself have tried to think of your dream team, one of the first schools you put in is probably life. Why do I not have life included? Well, that's because balance can also do some healing spells, i.e. helping and availing hands. Another reason is because a lot of wizards have one or two life spells trained themselves. Everyone of course has the spell that you get in Unicorn Way, which almost all players use throughout the game. Then, some people have a pet or some sort of amulet that gives you a healing spell. Take me for example, I have a piggle that gives me the spell unicorn. I also have meoiarty's satyrical amulet. If you hadn't guessed, it gives me satyr, which comes in real handy. Comment what your dream team is!


Double-hitting is an awesome thing. For those of you who don't know, double-hitting is when you have say a weakness on. (This could also be like your opponent having a tower shield or some other shield that would normally lessen the amount of damage your attack does) When you double-hit, only the first hit gets lessened by the weakness. Now, you're probably thinking, "yeah, that's cool, how do I do it though?" The answer to that question is that only some cards can. They won't say they can double-hit, but you can always tell right-off which ones do and which ones don't. Take my favorite card for example: You can tell it says it hits once with 50 then again with 755. That first hit is what takes the blow. Another spell that I use a lot that double hits is minotaur. Take a look: It double hits also. Pretty cool right?

Storm School Advice

Ok, so we all know for sure that storm is the most powerful school in terms of flat out strength. Their defense isn't exactly bad. So what's it's main weakness? Accuracy. It's what keeps them from rising totally to the top of the heap. When you have a storm character, you definetly want to focus a lot of your gold towards some gear that will give you better accuracy. If you can get soem really good accuracy stats, your storm character will be pretty much set. With any storm wizard though, you want to keep your character as a power house that strikes and finishes quickly. If you don't, you could end up with some unwanted health loss. Storm wizards are ment to be power houses that can tak out their enemy quickly without much strategizing. These are just a few basic tips and I hoped they helped a lot, or at least gave some sort of an idea to what you are doing.

Is Ice Becoming Overpowered?

So I kinda feel like this issue needs to be addressed. The ice school was born and bred for defense. They have the most natural health, and if you see one in game, they probably have around 4,500 health. They also have some amazing resist, a lot of times at least 50 for each school, if not more. They are the ones to go to for defense. However, to balance that out, they are supposed to be the weakest in terms of attacks. If this is the case, then why does their level 88 spell do more than the fire school's level 88 spell? Fire is supposed to be the second strongest school. If this is the case, then why is it getting overpowered? They are supposed to be a defense-focused school. Turn it down a notch Kingsisle. Either the ice school needs to take a step back, or the other schools need to take a step forward.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Balance School Advantages

Ok, I'm not a balance student, but I feel like this kind of needs to be said here. Balance isn't the most powerful school in terms of straight up power, and in order to be a good balance student, you need to have good tactics. Whenever you pvp, or do any battle in general, you should always consider having a balance person with you. I say this because they can really help you out. A lot of their spells could be useful for any wizard. Some of the ones I think help out the best are the spells like balance blade, donate power, elemental blade, spirit blade, and other such spells. They also have some relatively good healing spells, like helping hands and availing hands, which can be used on any player. The thing I think is really helpful that a lot of people don't point out is the sly advantages of the hydra and chimera spells. What are these advantages? Ok, well we've all done the familiar "Deck Hunt" in which you discard cards at random trying to get a certain card that you happen to have in your deck that would be super affective on your current opponent. Balance students don't have to do that too much because of hydra and chimera. They each hit with three elements, which means you only have to have about three cards in your hand to have all of the elements at your fingertips. Opponent got an ice shield? No problem, my hydra will still hit with two other elements. Or, I could use chimera to not even have to bother with the shield at all. The one fault to this is they have a elemental and a spiritual shield on, limiting me to balance spells. Oh wait, that's not a problem, my main school is balance! See what I mean? That card combo could come in quite useful, and that's just without all of the other balance spells I've mentioned.

Why skip level 78 spells?

Ok, so, if you, like me, have looked at your school's learnable spell list (You can look this up at wizard101 central) and noticed that when you look at the levels, they look like this: (Note that this is for myth school) Dimension Shift// Trade all hanging affects with minion// level 75// Celestial Calendar// Deal 1070-1170 and steal one pip// level 88 Ok, notice the gap there? There is no level 78 spell. Why Kingsisle did this, the world may never know. They do this with all the schools, not just myth. This has been a reaccuring theme with them to have a spell at any level with an eight at the end. (level 8- myth trap, level 18-cyclops minion, level 28-stun, level 38- minotaur minion, level 48- orthrus, level 58- medusa, level 68- basilisk, level 88- celestial calendar.) I truly have no idea why Kingsisle would have done this. There is also a serious gap in between the level 75 and the level 88 spells. Could they suddenly not come up with any more spell ideas? They should put a spell around level 83, or, here's an idea, level 78 spells! *Gasps* That's never been thoght of! Besides, some schools could really use that extra boost in there belt. Take balance for example. A good amount of their spells are for boosting others. They need a few more solid attacks in my oppinion. They do have quite a few more tactical advantages than soem of the other schools. A lot of schools should have a spell in that gap that should fill in some weak spots in each particular school.

Only one pip?!?

So, Kingsisle decided to update their pvp system to make it more fair. What they did was they made it so the team that goes second gets an extra pip or power pip, depending on the person's power pip percentage. Ok, so that may be handy. But how long is that pip really going to last? A few turns while you are putting on blades and traps maybe. Then, it's gone in the blink of an eye. How long does that first turn advantage last? The whole match. What Kingsisle should have done was made it so it alternates. One turn, Team A goes first. The next turn, Team B. See how much easier that would make it? It would last throughout the match and give it more of a fair play. Getting an extra pip might be better for lower level players, but when you're trying to cast seven, eight, nine, and ten pip spells, it won't do you much good. NOTE: This is just my opinion, you don't have to agree with me.